Divorce Recovery


“A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.” James Allen


It is easy for one to become bitter over a relationship which has ended. In fact, that is often what happens. It does not have to be this way, however.  You can choose to grow through your divorce instead of going through your divorce. 

Through this program, participants will learn to process their emotions as they go through the divorce/separation process, plan for their future, deal with ex-spouses, help children cope with the divorce and find and experience forgiveness.  Further, participants will learn to improve their future relationships and self-esteem.  Clients will be guided through the recovery process and given the tools necessary to empower themselves to move forward and not stay stuck. 

During this workshop, we will be using the book Growing Through Divorce by Jim Smoke.


DON'T JUST GO THROUGH IT - GROW THROUGH IT! A Workshop for Divorced and Separated Persons of All Ages. 

Weekly topics include:


Week 1:     Is This Really Happening to Me?

                The Three Stages of the Divorce Experience


Week 2:     Assuming New Responsibility

                Planning for Yourself and Your Future


Week 3:     Coping with your Ex-Spouse

                A Rational Reality That Continues to Exist


Week 4:     For Parents of Dependent Children: Helping Your Child Through Divorce

                For Non-Parents: Coping Skills for the Stress of Divorce


Week 5:     Finding and Experiencing Forgiveness

                Overcoming Hate and Hurt


Week 6:     Thinking About New Relationship

                 Relating, Dating and Mating


Please call us at (615) 469-0330 to find out when our next workshop starts - virtual and in person groups available.